20. Slovenia
This country has a strong performances in education, health security and its government's capacity for fostering economic growth.
However, the nation scored its lowest mark on "social capital" - a measure of how trustworthy the community is and its focus on community and friendship - coming in at 44th out of 104 countries.
19. Spain
Spain scored highest in personal freedom, democratic institutions, health and education. Spain received its lowest scores for social capital (71st in the world) and safety and security (28th).
18. Hongkong
17. France
France scored solidly across the board without truly excelling in anything, according to Legatum. Health, personal freedom, education, democratic institutions, innovation, economic fundamentals and governance were all ranked among top 20 countries on earth. However, France scored its lowest mark for trust and social cohesion, ranking as the 48th best country for this.
This country has a strong performances in education, health security and its government's capacity for fostering economic growth.
However, the nation scored its lowest mark on "social capital" - a measure of how trustworthy the community is and its focus on community and friendship - coming in at 44th out of 104 countries.
19. Spain
Spain scored highest in personal freedom, democratic institutions, health and education. Spain received its lowest scores for social capital (71st in the world) and safety and security (28th).
18. Hongkong
Since it was occupied by British forces in 1841, Hong Kong has moved on a path separate to the rest of China. Even after the former colony was returned to the Chinese in 1997, it has been treated as a special administrative region with its own laws.
According to report creators Legatum, Hong Kong has the best economic fundamentals in the world, coupled with good health care, governance, safety and security. Fans of freedom will be let down though, with Hong Kong scoring poorly for personal freedom (67th in the world) and democratic institutions (60th).
17. France

France scored solidly across the board without truly excelling in anything, according to Legatum. Health, personal freedom, education, democratic institutions, innovation, economic fundamentals and governance were all ranked among top 20 countries on earth. However, France scored its lowest mark for trust and social cohesion, ranking as the 48th best country for this.
16. Japan
Japan's prosperity is driven by innovation and strong economic fundamentals, according to Legatum. The land of the rising sun also scored strongly for health and safety. Overall, Japan was ranked as the third most prosperous country in the Asia-Pacific region.
15. Austria
If your health is a concern, there's nowhere better to live on earth than Austria. The European country scored higher than anywhere else based on the physical wellbeing of its population. That's not all Austria has to offer though, ranking in the top 10 for safety and democratic institutions as well as in the top 20 for economics, innovation, education and governance.
14. Germany
Austria's neighbours Germany also scored well for health, ranking as the sixth healthiest place to live. Perhaps surprisingly, the most populace country in the EU recieved its lowest scores for economics, democracy and safety. That said, there's nothing to be worried about, Germany was comfortably in the top 25 for every single category of prosperity Legatum looked into.
13. Belgium
In terms of democratic institutions, economic fundamentals and health, Belgium is one of the top-five places to live on the planet. Belgium has the strongest constraints of any country to stop political leaders from acting rashly or arbitrarily, while inflation and unemployment rates are low and workers have access to the second largest amount of physical capital, such as offices, factories and production machinery on the planet. The free availability of excellent beers and chocolate don't hurt either.
12. UK (united Kingdom)
What are the British best at on an international scale? According to Legatum, it's entrepreneurship and innovation, with the U.K. placing second on the planet in this category. The U.K. also ranks strongly for social capital (11th), democratic institutions (11th), governance (13th) and economic fundamentals (13th). The country is weakest at health, safety and education - ranking just outside the top 20 in these categories.
11. Ireland
Guinness really is good for you if the health of the Irish is to be believed. The emerald isle ranked second on the planet for the health of its population. Ireland also placed in the top five for safety and security and economic fundamentals, but was kept from the top 10 by relatively poor scores on education (18th in the world) and personal freedom (25th).
10. New Zealand
Space, stunning scenery and the nicest people on earth win New Zealand a place in the top 10 most prosperous countries. More than nine New Zealanders in 10 believe they can rely on friends and family, two people in three have helped a stranger in the last month and 44% have donated their time to volunteer work in the last year, pushing New Zealand to top of Legatum's social capital rankings. New Zealand also ranked in the top five for democratic institutions and the top 10 for education and personal freedom.
9.United States
The American dream is still alive and well, according to Legatum. The U.S.A. ranked first for innovation and entrepreneurship and second for democratic institutions. It was also in the top 10 for personal freedom, social capital and education. In a move that will surprise few, the U.S. ranked lowest for health (27th in the world) and safety and security (19th) - with 44 countries having lower homicide rates.
8. Netherlands
Of the nine key measures of prosperity identified by Legatum, the Netherlands ranks in the top five for two (economic fundamentals and entrepreneurship and innovation), the top 10 for four more (health, governance, personal freedom and social capital) and in the top 20 for everything else.
7. Canada
Canada is another fantastic all-round performer in terms of prosperity. Legatum's research places Canada in the top 10 for everything except health (22nd) and education (16th). Canada ranks highest for personal freedom (third) and entrepreneurship and innovation (fourth).
6. Australia
Australians might not be as nice as their neighbours across the Tasman Sea, but they still rank as the fourth best country for social capital. The Aussies are also placed in the top five for democratic institutions and personal freedom and in the top 10 for economic fundamentals, education and governance.
5. Norway
If you want your children to grow up safe, free and well educated you should move to Norway. The Scandinavian nation ranks top in the world for all three categories. However, it is let down by relatively poor performances in entrepreneurship and innovation (17th in the world) and economic fundamentals (18th), but scores in the top 10 for everything else.
4. Denmark
It might not be exciting, but Denmark is the best-run country on earth according to Legatum. Almost nine in 10 Danes have confidence in the judicial system, with a similar number believing in the honesty of elections. Denmark also ranks in the world's top five for personal freedom (second), health (second) and safety (fourth).
3. Sweden
Sweden's not just about Ikea, it ranks in the top five nations for social capital (third), entrepreneurship and innovation (third), education (fourth), personal freedom (fifth) and governance (fifth). In fact, the only thing the Swedes aren't one of the 10 best nations at on the planet are economic fundamentals, where they rank 16th.
2 Switzerland
Switzerland has the strongest democratic institutions on the planet, according to Legatum, as well as the second-best social capital and economic fundamentals and third-best governance and health. Education is the Alpine state's weakest suit, ranked at 22nd best in the survey.
1. Finland
The most prosperous country in the world is Finland, according to Legatum. The Finns top the list thanks to top 10 scores in all nine measures of prosperity (the only country to score so consistently) and ranking in the top three for safety, governance and education.
source : money.ca.msn.com