Posted by EmmA in
My Sisster's Keeper is a novel written by New York Times Best Selling author Jodi Picoult It tells the story of 13-year-old Anna, who sues her parents for medical emancipation when she is expected to donate a kidney to her sister Kate, who is dying from leukemia.
Anna Fitzgerald's older sister, Kate, suffers from acute leukemia (blood Cancer),
Her life is dedicated to safe her sister's-Kate life.
Anna is usually willing to donate whatever Kate needs, but when she is 13, she is told that she will have to donate one of her kidneys.
This operation just not only will give a big risk to Kate's Life but also will gie a big effect to Anna's life.
Anna petitions for medical emancipation with the help of lawyer Campbell Alexander, so that she will be able to make her own decisions regarding her medical treatment and the donation of her kidney.
In fact Kate asked Anna to sue for emancipation because she did not want Anna to have to transplant, and because she believes that she will die anyway. The judge rules in Anna's favor, and grants Campbell medical power of attorney. However, as Campbell drives her home after the trial, their car is hit by an oncoming truck. Brian retrieves Anna, who is unconscious, and suffers an injury to the head.
However, after some time, the doctor informs them that Anna is brain-dead, that the machines keeping her alive may as well be switched off, and asks them if they have considered organ donation. Campbell steps in, and declares that he has the power of attorney, and "there is a girl upstairs who needs that kidney." Kate is prepped for surgery, and Anna's kidney is successfully transplanted.
Anna passed away.....
Anna adalah gadis remaja 13 tahun. Sejak kecil hidupnya didedikasikan untuk menyelamatkan nyawa kakaknya, Kate yang menderita Leukemia akut. Bahkan ia menyumbangkan tali pusar dan sumsum tulang bagi pengobatan kakaknya.Namun, saat ia diminta untuk memberikan ginjal bagi kakaknya, ia menolak.
Operasi tsb. tidak hanya akan berbahaya bagi nyawa Kate tetapi juga akan mengubah hidup Anna selamanya, ia tidak akan bisa beraktivitas seperti orang sehat pada normalnya.
Maka dengan modal tabungan yang dimilikinya ia membulatkan hati unuk mendatangi seornag pengacara, Alexander Campbell, utnuk membelanya di pengadilan demi menuntut kebebasannya untuk memilih ya atau tidak sebelum ia mendonorkan organ tubuhnya pada Kate.
Sebenarnya Katelah yang menyuruh Anna agar menolak keputusan orangtuanya memberikan ginjal Anna bagi Kate, Kate tahu seberapa besar pengorbanan Anna hidupnya tak akan bisa lama, lagipula ia sangat menyayangi Anna dan ingin Anna tettap bisa hidup normal dan bahagia.
Akhirnya pengadilan tsb. dimenangkan oleh Anna dan Campbell.
Naasnya, dalam perjalan pulang mobil Campbell yang ditumpanginya dan Anna mengalami kecelakaan. Anna mengalami luka berat di bagian kepalanya. Dokter menyatakan bahwa otak Anna telah mati, ia hanya bergantung pada alat bantu pernapasan yang dipakainya. Campbell, sebagai wali Anna akhirnya mengambil keputusan berat, ia mengerti bahwa Anna sangat menyayangi Kate dan ingin Kate tetap hidup, ia memutuskan bahwa Anna akan mendonorkan ginjalnya untuk Kate, sebelum alat bantu pernafasannya dilepas....
The novel's story is a little bit different with the film's ones....but it think both of them can give an inspirassional effect for our lifes......
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