Famous People Who Talk Many Languages....

1. Alexander U-Kiss, 
did you know that Alex U-kiss can speak in many languages...?
Yeah, he speaks.....7 Languages...!!!
There are: Korean (of course), Mandarin, Portuguese, English, French, Cantonese, and Japanese.

2. Shakira 
Shakira is fluent in Portuguese, Italian, Spanish and English. Cool....

3. Jose Mourinho
Do you like football..? Well, Inter Milan's Manager, Jose Mourinho is special....
He can Speak 4 languages....English, Spanish, Italian , and French...

4. Celine Dion
Hey, what about this Diva...? Well, She can speak 4 differents languages
Celine is fluent in English, French, Spansh, German, and Japanese.....


Inspirational Photoes...

                                                              Meditation  (esee-Malaysia)

Photos of the Month 2005 - POTY 2004 - 9th - Hill Walkers

Shadrick Johnson (6 thn), di luar Columbia Convention Center, South Carolina. Foto dari www.pulitzer.org
                    Shadrick Johnson (6 years old), in front of Columbia Convention Center, South Carolina. 
                                                        Source : www.pulitzer.org

The Pulitzer winner 2010


How to Get Success...??? Christina Aguilera

Christina Marie Aguilera seems to be one of those singers born to perform. Gifted with an amazing multi-octave voice that can fill a room Christina has been entertaining millions from a very young age

Aguilera was born in New York.
 Christina lived with her father and mother until she was seven years old.
Agulera has Spanish, German, French & Dutch ancestry and learned to speak and sing in Spanish. (can you believe that…?!)


How to Get Success...??? Jerry Yan

Jerry yan is a famous actor from Taiwan he was famous as he starring the Meteor Garden
He was known as a charming, cool,talented  and success figure…
Just a liitle bit people know about his life story


How to Get Success...??? Oprah Winfrey

WOW....!!! mungkin hanya kata itu yang dapat kita ucapkan bagi seorang Oprah..lahir dari keluarga miskin Ia mampu menjadi wanita terkaya di jagat hiburan...... Yang kekayaannya dia atas J.K. Rowling dan ratu Inggris...
WOW...! berikut ini kisah suksesnya....
(Oprah with Barrack and Michelle Obawa..)

No one ever blames Oprah Winfrey for taking some easy way out. Although her childhood was full of toil, this young girl from KosciuskoMississippi always believed she was destined to be someone great.
Now, she is the richest female entertainer in this World...! She even richer than J.K.Rowling...
Are you believe that..!!!

Her misery was not just a few. She was born as she result of a free intercourse between her mother and a service man who then left her. Oprah was brought up by her grandmother in a pig farm with no running water facility. She then lived with her mother who moved to Milwaukee where she was sexually abused for the first time by a friend of her family and her own relative. Oprah grew up into a rebellious teenager, at 14 years old she lived in a bad surroundings and gave birth to a male baby that died a week later. Loosing her patience, Oprah’s mother sent her to live with her father – a man she never knew before.

(Oprah With Michael Jackson,
Miley, )

But it was by living with her father that she eventually got the discipline she needed to turn her outstanding intelligence into its right track. She was doing well at school and was known for her


How to Get Success...??? Leona Lewis

Born on 3rd April in the year 1985, Leona Louise Lewis is an English singer-songwriter and winner of the third series of the popular TV talent show "The X Factor".

Leona was very fond of music and when she was five years old, her parents fulfilled her wish by sending her to Sylvia Young Theatre School, despite the fact that it was an expensive institution. Yeah, in fact Leona Lewis wasn't come from a rich family…..

After Leona Lewis left school, she did all kinds of odd jobs to get into a recording studio. She was a waitress at Pizza Hut and also worked as a receptionist for Metropolitan Mortgages in Median Road, Lower Clapton, Hackney. In Stoke Newington High Street, she was also a receptionist for Head and Short Chiropodists. CKckck…..

In 2006, Leona auditioned for the third series of the X Factor. She sang "Over the Rainbow". On 16th December 2006, she was announced the winner and won a Ă‚£1 million recording contract. Her mentor was Simon Cowell who participated in many training montages with her.

On a show held in 28th October, Leona lewis sang "Summertime". Simon Cowell was blown away by her performance saying that she was the best contestant he came across any of these shows.

On December 2006, her debut single "A Moment like This" was released. It was downloaded fifty thousand times within thirty minutes breaking a world record.

Nowadays, Leona lewis lives in Hackney with her boyfriend, Lou Al-Chamaa, who is an electrician by profession. They grew up in the same street and have known each other since Leona lewis was nine years old…….

Source :

Click here to download Leona Lewis's song
Titled Keep Bleeding…..
( I swear it's a very great song...-EmmA)


Kim Hyun Joong...How to Success..??

Who don't know Kim Hyun Joong, eh..?
Started his career as the personals of Korean boy band SS501 in 2005,
He began to be famous by starring the drama of Boys Before Flower (BBF)

Just a few people know about the lifestory of Kim Hyun Joong....
Kim Hyun Joong underwent a lot of problems before he was wellknown by a lot of people….
Hyun Joong was born  di Seoul in June 6th 1986.

he was a child her house is near with SongpaGu Olympic Park.. There were a lot of singers permfomed in that park. Every weekend his mother always brought him and his brother to go to SongpaGu Olympic Park, and he always lost. But curiously he was


4 Great Female Leader in The World

  1. Queen Elizabeth I
Elizabeth I is popular and charismatic queen from England. During 45 years of her government, England got a lot of national achievements and being a wealthy kingdom. Until now, she is one of the greatest leaders in England.
Salah satu pemimpin terhebat di Inggris yang tak terlupakan sepanjang masa…

2. Indira Gandhi

Indira Priyadarshini Nehru is the First Female Prime Minister from India, She was born in Allahabad as the only child of the First Prime minister of India, Jawalharlal Nehru.  Gandhi became an influential spokesperson for the developing countries in that time. After she was assassinated in 1984, her son, Rajiv replaced her position as the prime minister in India. Ironically Rajiv was also assassinated after being the prime minister.
Di mata dunia Gandhi  adalah juru bicara yang berpengaruh bagi negara dunia ketiga dan mengembangkan berbagai Negara


Lena Maria's LifeStory

What is you reaction to see the picture above..?
What do you feel..? Surprise..? Shock..? be impressed..?

Yeah, when you haven't known who Lena is yet....you will feel shock….

So, Who is Lena

1. A Stiff girl….
Lena Maria Klingvall was born 1968 in Sweden without arms and with only one healthy leg, the other one half developed. She walks with an artificial leg.

She was 20 years old when she became known to the Swedish TV-viewers through the documentary called ‘Goal in Sight’.

Lena even said that she never complain because of her "unperfect " condition…..

2       A  multitalented woman….

Lena Maria learned how to swim when she was only three years old…!
 At the World Championship she took two gold medals and set two world records. The highlight of her swimming career was the Paralympic Games 1988 in Seoul, South Korea.

Singer and Musician…..
 1987-1991 Lena Maria studied at The Royal College of Music in. Since her examination she has been touring all over the world. In Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Thailand she is most popular.

Lena Maria has been an artist in the Mouth and Foot Painting Artist Association since 1990. She is also engaged in different occasions to talk about human dignity, identity and life quality.

In 1996 Lena Maria wrote a book about her life called ‘Foot-Notes’. The book is translated and published in 14 different languages. Lena Maria has written a second book called ‘Happy Days’.
Lena Maria was during spring 1997 and fall 1998 host for a music show in the Swedish television.
1998 she was elected as the ‘Smalanning’ of the year. During spring 2005 she received an Honorary Citizenship of Taiwan and in August the same year she received the ‘Artur Erikson’ schoolarship
And guess what…..!!!
In 2009 Lena Maria held a speech at TED.com where other speakers like Bill Gates and Al Gore took part…!!...cool…….
So guys…what do you mourn over..? what make you sad and what make you give up so easily…???
From her lifestroy Lena has taught us that….
There's nothing perfect in this life… but by mourning over ourselves everytime we won't be able to solve our problems and be the real winner of the life…
So what do you waiting for..? Just get back you confidence and keep fight…!!!!!!

“I prefer to rejoice what I can do- not mourn what I can’t ” – Lena Maria

Jadi…siapakah Lena Maria…?
Anda yang belum mengetahui kisahnya pasti akan berdecak kagum pada ketegaran dan semangatnya……..
Bayangkan saja dengan keterbatasan fisiknya ia mampu meraih prestasi yang luar biasa…WOW…..!

Ia adalah seorang atlet renang internasional, penyanyi plus musikus, seniman, penulis buku, pembawa acara, samapi peraih beberapa penghargaan terkemukan di dunia..!
Nah, jadi apa yang kamu ratapi kawan…? Apa yang membuatmu sedih dan putus asa…???
Dari kisah hidup seorang Lena Maria….kita telah belajar bahwa tak ada yang sempurna di dunia ini….tak ada gunanya meratapi diri kita sendiri sepanjang hari…hal itu tidak akan dapat menyelesaikan masalah….
Jadi, percaya dirilah dan bersemangatllah…….

"Saya lebih suka beryukur atas apa yang dapat saya lakukan daripada meratapi apa yang tidak bisa saya lakukan"-Lena Maria

Source: http://www.lenamaria.com

Click here to see  Lena's video......


My Sisster's Keeper is a  novel written by New York Times Best Selling author Jodi Picoult It tells the story of 13-year-old Anna, who sues her parents for medical emancipation when she is expected to donate a kidney  to her sister Kate, who is dying from leukemia.

Anna Fitzgerald's older sister, Kate, suffers from acute leukemia (blood Cancer),
Her life is dedicated to safe her sister's-Kate life.
Anna is usually willing to donate whatever Kate needs, but when she is 13, she is told that she will have to donate one of her kidneys.
This operation just not only will give a big risk to Kate's Life but also will gie a big effect to Anna's life.

Anna petitions for medical emancipation with the help of lawyer Campbell Alexander, so that she will be able to make her own decisions regarding her medical treatment and the donation of her kidney.

In fact Kate asked Anna to sue for emancipation because she did not want Anna to have to transplant, and because she believes that she will die anyway. The judge rules in Anna's favor, and grants Campbell medical power of attorney. However, as Campbell drives her home after the trial, their car is hit by an oncoming truck. Brian retrieves Anna, who is unconscious, and suffers an injury to the head.
However, after some time, the doctor informs them that Anna is brain-dead, that the machines keeping her alive may as well be switched off, and asks them if they have considered organ donation. Campbell steps in, and declares that he has the power of attorney, and "there is a girl upstairs who needs that kidney." Kate is prepped for surgery, and Anna's kidney is successfully transplanted.
Anna passed away.....

Anna adalah gadis remaja 13 tahun. Sejak kecil hidupnya didedikasikan untuk menyelamatkan nyawa kakaknya, Kate yang menderita Leukemia akut. Bahkan ia menyumbangkan tali pusar dan sumsum tulang bagi pengobatan kakaknya.Namun, saat ia diminta untuk memberikan ginjal bagi kakaknya, ia menolak.
Operasi tsb. tidak hanya akan berbahaya bagi nyawa Kate tetapi juga akan mengubah hidup Anna selamanya, ia tidak akan bisa beraktivitas seperti orang sehat pada normalnya.

Maka dengan modal tabungan yang dimilikinya ia membulatkan hati unuk mendatangi seornag pengacara, Alexander Campbell, utnuk membelanya di pengadilan demi menuntut kebebasannya untuk memilih ya atau tidak sebelum ia mendonorkan organ tubuhnya pada Kate.
Sebenarnya Katelah yang menyuruh Anna agar menolak keputusan orangtuanya memberikan ginjal Anna bagi Kate, Kate tahu seberapa besar pengorbanan Anna hidupnya tak akan bisa lama, lagipula ia sangat menyayangi Anna dan ingin Anna tettap bisa hidup normal dan bahagia.

Akhirnya pengadilan tsb. dimenangkan oleh Anna dan Campbell.
Naasnya, dalam perjalan pulang mobil Campbell yang ditumpanginya dan Anna mengalami kecelakaan. Anna mengalami luka berat di bagian kepalanya. Dokter menyatakan bahwa otak Anna telah mati, ia hanya bergantung pada alat bantu pernapasan yang dipakainya. Campbell, sebagai wali Anna akhirnya mengambil keputusan berat, ia mengerti bahwa Anna sangat menyayangi Kate dan ingin Kate tetap hidup, ia memutuskan bahwa Anna akan mendonorkan ginjalnya untuk Kate, sebelum alat bantu pernafasannya dilepas....

The novel's story is a little bit different with the film's ones....but  it think both of them can  give an inspirassional effect for our lifes......
