Bill Gates was born October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington to William H.Gates and 
Mary Maxwell Gates.His Father was a lawyer and his mother is a school teacher.

 Bill Gates first used a computer in Lakeside Prep School. 
He showed a big interest in computer's software...and began to programming the
computer at age  13..!!!!! 

Bill Gates started studying at Harvard University in 1973 where he spent time with Paul Allen
his childhood friend. 
Gates and Allen worked on a version of the programming language BASIC, 
that was the basis for the MITS Altair (the first microcomputer available). 
He did not go on to graduate from Harvard University as he left in his junior year to start what 
was to become the largest computer software company in the world; Microsoft Corporation.

(bill gates' house)
Bill Gates Residence Home Pictures

In 1975 the company Micro-soft was formed, which was an abbreviation of microcomputer software. It soon became simply "Microsoft"® and went on to completely change the way people use computers. 
Microsoft helped to make the computer easier to use with its developed and purchased software, and made it a commercial success. 

Being the richest man in the world has also enabled Gates to create one of the world's largest charitable foundations. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Melinda French Gates is Bill Gates' wife)
has an endowment of more than $28 billion, with donations totaling more than $1 billion every year. 
The foundation was formed in 2000 after merging the "Gates Learning Foundation" and "William H. Gates Foundation". Their aim is to "bring innovations in health and learning to the global community".

With an estimated wealth of $53 billion in 2006, Bill Gates is the richest man in the world..

His invention, charity, and dedication just not only must be highly appriciate but also must be
followed by us............

Bill Gates dilahirkan pada tanggal 28 Oktober 1955 di Seattle, Washington.
Ayahnya William H.Gates adalah seorang pengacara dan Ibunya, Mary Maxwell G. 
merupakan guru sekolah.

(bill & his wife)

Ia pertama kali mengenal komputer di Lakside school dan menunjukan kertertarikan yang begitu besar.
Ia bahkan mulai memprogram komputer sendiri di usia 13 tahun.!!!

Ia menempuh pendidikan di Harvard University di mana ia menghabiskan banyak waktu bersama,
teman masa kecilnya, Paul Allen (yang menjadi patnernya dalam membuat Microsoft)
Ia memilih fokus pada pendirian Microsoft dan akhirnya keluar dari Harvard.

Dibawah kepemimpinanya Microsoft mengalami kesuksesan yang luar biasa sehingga pada 2006 
ia dinobatkan sebgaai orang terkaya di dunia.

(with Queen Elizabeth)

Karyanya tak hanya berhenti samapai di situ, pada tahun 2000 ia mendirikan 
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation bersama istrinya, Melinda French Gates.
yang pertahunya menyumbangkan sekitar 1 miliar dollar..!!

Penemuan, karya dan amal Bill Gates tak hanya patut kita hargai tetapi juga harus kita teladan..

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