Well, I got a task from my art teacher to make some handcraft made from origami just now.
So i suddenly have an idea to write about this thing... ^_^
As you may know origami is a traditional Japanese art of paper folding,
T he word of 'Origami' itself came from (Japanese) ori meaning "folding", and kami meaning "paper"; (kami changes to gami)
This is what you may have not know yet , origami itself was consisted of 6(six) kinds..they are:
1. Action origami

Action origami is a type of origami that moves, such as flying birds, movement of a certain flap or limb, and inflatable boxes. Action origami is very common, and first appeared as the Japanese flying bird.
2.Modular origami
Modular origami consists of putting a number of similar pieces
together to form a complete model. Normally the individual pieces are
simple but the final assembly may be tricky.
3. Wet-folding
Wet-folding is an origami technique for producing models with gentle curves rather than geometric straight folds and flat surfaces. The paper is dampened so it can be moulded easily, the final model keeps its shape when it dries. It can be used, for instance, to produce very natural looking animal models.
4. Pureland origami
Pureland origami is origami with the restriction that only one fold may be done at a time, more complex folds like reverse folds are not allowed, and all folds have straightforward locations.
5.Origami tessellations

Kirigami is a Japanese term for paper cutting. Cutting was often used
in traditional Japanese origami, but modern innovations in technique
have made the use of cuts unnecessary.

and. also these...

Well, i'm just thinkin to get a cute origami necklace for myself..LOL...really like it..

So i suddenly have an idea to write about this thing... ^_^
As you may know origami is a traditional Japanese art of paper folding,
T he word of 'Origami' itself came from (Japanese) ori meaning "folding", and kami meaning "paper"; (kami changes to gami)
This is what you may have not know yet , origami itself was consisted of 6(six) kinds..they are:
1. Action origami
Action origami is a type of origami that moves, such as flying birds, movement of a certain flap or limb, and inflatable boxes. Action origami is very common, and first appeared as the Japanese flying bird.
2.Modular origami
3. Wet-folding
Wet-folding is an origami technique for producing models with gentle curves rather than geometric straight folds and flat surfaces. The paper is dampened so it can be moulded easily, the final model keeps its shape when it dries. It can be used, for instance, to produce very natural looking animal models.
4. Pureland origami
Pureland origami is origami with the restriction that only one fold may be done at a time, more complex folds like reverse folds are not allowed, and all folds have straightforward locations.
5.Origami tessellations
A tessellation (also called tiling) is when shapes are arranged side by side to produce a pattern with no gaps in between. Origami tessellations have visual similarities to the tessellations mentioned above; but they are physically quite different. Origami tessellations are not made of separate pieces of paper placed side by side: instead, they are made with one sheet of paper. This one sheet of paper is folded such that it has a tessellated pattern.

Akira Yoshizawa of Japan is one of most famous master of origami . He is considered the "father of modern origami" because of his creative paperfolding. He also developed a set of symbols and terms that are used worldwide in the written instruction.
lets take a look to these cute n tiny origamis above....
and. also these...

Well, i'm just thinkin to get a cute origami necklace for myself..LOL...really like it..